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Posted by John Pournaras Agency

Are You Overpaying On Your Taxes?

Are You Overpaying On Your Taxes?

Taxation, in itself, is not a bad thing. At some level, your taxes will pay for something that benefits the general public that no other entity would pay otherwise. However, the overpayment amounts to an interest-free loan that exceeds its fair share. In this article, we will briefly look at some things that often lead to excess payments and the best way to avoid them.

Key Notes

  • If you regularly receive an extensive IRS check, you are paying too much.
  • The most common reasons why withholdings can be changed is marriage, family additions, or loss/gain of employment.
  • The ideal tax refund is precisely zero. As such, you have not loaned IRS money without interest.

A sure sign that you are paying too much

The most obvious sign that you are paying too much tax is the amount refunded. Average repayments at the start of the deposit season tend to exceed $ 2,000 because people who know how to get the money are in a hurry to send it. These returns are understandable, as life can happen at the end of a tax season.

A child may be born, lose a job, a dependent may move, and the claimant has not had time to regulate withholding. However, if you receive several thousand dollars a year, you are indeed paying too much tax.

Common causes

The most common events that can cause you to withhold amounts from checks are:

  • Marriage: If your spouse receives income, it can affect the family's tax bill. If the spouse is employed, then the value of the withholding tax must be adjusted downwards. Of course, divorce affects and needs to be brought to light, especially when dependent children are involved.
  • Beyond the family: the birth or adoption of a child reduces the amount you have to keep because you are adding a dependent to your home.
  • Income Changes: If you have no non-wage income or a second job, you will usually end up owing to the government. If the withholding tax has been changed to reflect other income and these sources have expired, for example, a negative year in a subsidiary company, these additional amounts of withholding tax must be eliminated.
  • Corporate payroll services will ask you to update W-4 if you are aware of these life changes. However, for most people, it's up to you to submit the updated documentation. 

Adjusting Withholdings 

Whenever you can expect a high credit or tax deduction, it makes sense to adapt your source deduction instead of waiting for a refund. There is an increasing opportunity cost; the longer you ready for the money. In addition to the previous three examples, there are education credits, employee care credits, charitable donations deductions, and other things that can be turned into source rebates using the worksheets of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

John Pournaras Agency
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