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Know the Criteria for Unemployment Compensation Eligibility

Know the Criteria for Unemployment Compensation Eligibility

When you are qualified as an unemployed worker according to federal system then you fall into the category of getting unemployment compensation. It is sponsored by the government with having the benefits which are administered. 

The program helps the unemployed workers to get funded with having the taxes collection as well. The employer is able to collect the taxes from the federal through this program. There are many regulations which you have to follow and you will be able to learn all here. 


Here are some of the conditions which the unemployed workers have to go through for the unemployment compensation.

    • You have to be a citizen of USA and have the right to work within the States. Such as you should be having the SSN or work permit. 
    • The person filing for the program needs to be employed at some place earlier. You have to show the proof of it. 
    • The wage has to be disclosed openly. 
    • You should show your availability instantly. 
    • You should be able to work physically and show the report of medical fitness. 

Anyone is able to get through the conditions whether they used to work full time or part time on the previous job. 

For Fired Employees

There are some chances that the employee who got fired may be able to get through the compensation benefits as well. There can be different reasons for someone to get fired such as the behavior, financial information, layoffs and more. 

If the firing is done on the basis of someone doing something intentionally then they may not be eligible for it. That confirmation is done from the employer by the federal by themselves in such case. Some of the things which may not let you qualify if fired are:

    • Dishonesty
    • Harassment
    • Tardiness
    • Sleeping on job
    • Violation of work rules 
    • Frequent absents 

Any errors which get to happen at work such as not able to perform well or not able to develop skills will not count against you. 

For the Quitting Employees

The person who quits the job by themselves is usually not eligible for the program but there is one condition which can work in their favor. If they quit the job for a good reason then they may be eligible for it. Many states have different approaches which is why it can help you learn by the following conditions:

    • The health matter for the employee who quit. 
    • Was not able t tolerate the work environment? 
    • Was facing harassment. 
    • The location of job was too far
    • The spouse of employee had to relocate the job
    • Changing of the address
    • Person reasons for quitting like spouse not well or etc. 

To get the benefits from the unemployment compensation, you have to request with the agencies which work through it. If you are not able to find the way then you can always contact an accountant to do the work for you. They are able to figure out ways for you which can help you and work as a guidance for you. 

If you do not want to hire an accountant then you have to know the right way. You have to keep some of the documentations aligned in order to get the filing done. Previous the information of the previous employer, SSN, write the statement why you need the benefits and more. 

Assessment Period

You will have the assessing period that what happened with the previous job so make sure to tell the truth always otherwise they are able to find it by themselves. When you tell them the truth, you will not have to go through the problem of fear. 

If you are someone who recently dropped out of the job then it is important that you file for it immediately. The preferred time for it 4 weeks, which is why it is better that you take the opportunity and do not lose it. 

Make sure to work through the eligibilities so that you are not questioned later on. The appealing are done and then you have to go through the hearing process. Once you are done with that, then the decision of your compensation benefits will arrive at your address. 

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