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Taxpayer Rights When Dealing With IRS

Taxpayer Rights When Dealing With IRS

It's pretty easy to feel helpless regarding an Internal Revenue Service (IRS) audit or threat letters and accusations based on outstanding tax obligations. What is your best option when a federal agency is coming after you?

One of the best things about living in America is that our government recognizes that people possess rights that can never be taken away from them. Our Constitution explains these rights in the Bill of Rights, which are the first ten amendments to the Constitution. So no matter how serious your tax situation, no matter how much tax debt you have, and no matter how aggressive the IRS 'tactics are, remember you have rights!

Your strategies for solving your tax problems should start with this knowledge. In this article, we'll describe some of your primary legal rights when dealing with a tax issue.

Attending the IRS can be a complicated and intricate process. Knowing your rights as a taxpayer makes the process easier. The IRS has passed a “Taxpayer Bill of Rights.” As a collaborator, you have:

1. The right to be informed - You have the right to know how to comply with tax laws. You have the right to get a clear explanation of the law. Whenever you receive a notification from the IRS, the agency must explain why they contacted you. If you have questions, call the number in the upper right corner of most alerts.

2. The right to quality services - You are entitled to immediate and professional assistance in dealing with the IRS. The people you talk to should be respectful and help you understand the information they are providing. You have the privilege to make a complaint about poor service. First, ask to speak to a supervisor.

3. The right not to pay more than the exact amount of taxes - You have the right to offset only what is legally due. You can make an appointment with your Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) website to have a professional complete your tax return for free.

4. The right to object to the IRS and be heard - You have the right to disagree with the IRS and send documents to support your position. You are entitled to receive a prompt and correct response from the IRS. You will receive a response from the IRS within 30 days.

5. The right to challenge an IRS ruling - You have the right to appeal most decisions of the IRS when you disagree. You are obligated to take your tax case to court.

6. Right to finality - You have the right to know how long you have to dispute the IRS. You have the right to know how long it may take for the IRS to audit a particular fiscal year and when an audit is complete. In most cases, the IRS can verify income tax returns for the past three years. For more material errors, the IRS can go back up to 6 years. It would help if you kept at least the last six years' income tax returns for your records.

7. The right to confidentiality - You have the right to know that any IRS action will comply with the law and be as invasive as necessary. The IRS will also respect any other rights that apply to you.

8. The right to privacy - You have the right to expect that the information you provide will not be passed on to anyone without your permission or unless required by law. Your data can only be shared after signing an authorization form.

9. The right to retain representation - You have the right to hire an IRS lawyer. You also have the right to know that you may be eligible for help from a low-income taxpayer clinic if you cannot afford a lawyer.

10. The right to a fair and equitable tax system. You have the right to expect the tax system to consider all the facts and circumstances that may affect your ability to pay.