Should you invest your money in stocks or real estate?People often have doubts about what to invest in and when. Competitive home prices in up-and-coming neighborhoods are attractive...
Posted by Pat Raskob on 09/27/2022
The Federal Opportunity Zone is for poor communities with a future under certain conditions, including the opportunity for new investments that can tap into some tax benefits. A community...
Posted by Pat Raskob on 09/10/2022
It is all about making headlines and advertisements to gain speed for a candidate or campaign team during election seasons. Politicians dedicate the money, effort, and time to a campaign....
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 08/11/2022
Not all debts are the same. Although most forms of lending carry risk, certain lending decisions are more likely to send you into a downward debt spiral. We call them debt traps.It's...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 08/11/2022
People may wonder if bonds are good investments. The truth is that such an answer depends on many factors, such as the types of bonds, the interest rate, and the bond's duration....
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 07/12/2022
Creating a list of the best bond ETFs for 2022 may include, at first glance, only those funds that can perform well in an inflationary and growth environment. But that would only be...
Posted by Taxes Made EZ Inc on 07/09/2022
There are many milestones in life; birth, marriage, and death are three of the biggest milestones we will ever have. Whether you are planning to marry or getting married, "talking...
Posted by Taxes Made EZ Inc on 07/01/2022
If you're looking for the best tech stocks to consider in 2022, there are quite a lot to choose from. This year, the global tech market is expected to experience a growth rate...
There is no such thing as free money, but dividend reinvestments come pretty close.You will likely see assets classified as dividends in your accounts during your investment journey....