If you have a hobby that earns you some income, it's important to know how it affects your taxes. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) considers any income earned from a hobby as...
Posted by Pat Raskob on 05/16/2023
A revenue ruling is a document issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that guides how to interpret and apply tax laws. These rulings are issued in response to specific questions...
Posted by Pat Raskob on 05/08/2023
The tax situation is an overwhelming condition for self-employed individuals. Many could be unsure of the rules, options, financial obligations, and how to handle the situation. In...
Posted by Pat Raskob on 04/21/2023
As people grow older or experience disabilities, it can become harder to meet financial obligations. In recognition, the United States government offers several tax credits to help...
Posted by Taxes Made EZ Inc on 03/31/2023
The Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR) is a set of laws limiting the amount of revenue the Internal Revenue Service can collect from its citizens and how that revenue can be spent. TABOR...
Posted by Pat Raskob on 03/08/2023
The sixth day of January 2021 was the day the Treasury Department and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) decided to bring the IRC Section 451 regulation to a conclusion. However, the decision...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 02/17/2023
At times, paying your tax debt becomes impossible. However, there is a solution to cease the collection calls from the IRS. The organization has various programs aimed at assisting...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 02/17/2023
Liens and Levies are two different legal actions that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) can take to collect outstanding tax debts from taxpayers. Understanding the difference between...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 02/07/2023
Every year, thousands of families in the United States are happy to adopt a child and welcome them into their homes. And as with any growing family, there are expenses associated with...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 01/17/2023