The student loan is usually the go-to option when they face challenges. Both parents, guardians, and students rely on this loan in a hard time, not knowing the ups and downs of the...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 09/10/2022
Donations to qualified charities are tax-deductible and can reduce your taxable income, which can help you reduce your tax bill. You may need to itemize your tax deductions in detail...
Posted by Pat Raskob on 04/17/2022
Marriage can affect taxes in several ways. While everyone's situation is different, certain marriage tax benefits help you pay less tax. In addition, they will have tax options...
Posted by Taxes Made EZ Inc on 03/24/2022
Nobody likes to do their taxes, but the task is even more difficult when preparing returns for the death of a spouse or a death certificate. If you are preparing a 1040 federal tax...
Posted by Taxes Made EZ Inc on 02/15/2022
When you lose a loved one, taxes may be the last thing on your mind. But the task of filing the final tax return for a deceased person may fall on a relative or a friend.If you are...
For people in the real estate business with agents that you give commissions after every sale or lease, you must report such payment on a 1099 MISC form. Your obligation as an employer...
Form 1098 is a form you are required to file with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that explains the measure of interest and related costs paid on a mortgage in a tax year. These...
Posted by LLOYD J CAZES CPA on 08/26/2019
When it comes to taxes, it doesn't matter if you are working on business taxes or personal taxes, its important to know what is going on. If you aren't paying attention,...
Posted by ALJ Business Services,LLC on 12/28/2017
It is not very uncommon that many parents hire someone, in order to take care of their kids for a couple of hours or date nights after school. However, many parents or families do...
Posted by Asharp Bookkeeper on 01/13/2016