Franchise tax applies to taxes paid by certain companies that wish to do business in certain states. Also called a privileged tax, it gives the company the right to be established...
Posted by Pat Raskob on 08/24/2021
A cannabis business can typically expect a series of scrutiny from the IRS that will want to penalize them if they are not compliant. Here are tips that can help your marijuana business...
What is a Profit and Loss Statement?After every financial year, it is normal for businesses to know if they are making a profit or losing. A company can access its revenue, expenses,...
Posted by CORE PERFORMANCE on 11/04/2021
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently published comprehensive information on their website on tax policy for the cannabis industry, specifically the marijuana industry. The site...
The base erosion and anti-abuse tax apply to some corporations that make "base erosion payments." Formed as part of the Tax Cuts and Job Act (TCJA), BEAT accrued in taxable...
Posted by Carmen Garcia on 04/02/2020
Taxes, taxes, and more taxes. While a tax preparer may have a good grasp on all of this, that’s not necessarily the case for the rest of us. We have federal tax, state...
Posted by Valderas Financial Solutions LLC on 03/14/2018
All businesses are required to report sales and income over a taxation year. Profits = Sales – Expenses Net Income = Profits – Taxes Categories included in an income...
Posted by The Accounting and Tax on 05/07/2015