An easy advance is a loan and not a tax refund. An easy advance is a one-time loan not intended for long-term use. Your Easy Advance is subject to signature and approval by the bank. You may receive less than the required amount for an Easy Advance. The financial burden will be assessed on the basis of the approved loan amount. Your earnings will generally be paid within 24 hours of your tax return being accepted by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Easy Advance is insured and reimbursed with the tax refund, but it is not the tax refund itself.
Easy Advance Schedule:
Loan Amount | Finance Charge | Annual Percentage Rate (APR) |
$500.00 | $15.78 | 35.99% |
$1,000.00 | $31.56 | 35.99% |
$1,500.00 | $47.34 | 35.99% |
$2,000.00 | $63.12 | 35.99% |
$3,000.00 | $94.68 | 35.99% |
You can file your tax return electronically and have the IRS or the state issue your tax refund to your existing account without asking for a deposit. According to the Internal Revenue Service, if you file a tax return electronically and do not receive Easy Advance, you can receive a tax refund within 21 days by direct deposit or by mail. However, the IRS did not begin issuing refunds until February 15 for earned income tax credit and additional child tax credit tax returns. If you file your return via mail and do not receive an easy advance, you can expect to receive your tax refund within six weeks by direct deposit or mail.
You do not need to opt for a refund transfer to receive an Easy Advance.
To qualify for the Easy Advance you have selected, the expected federal refund must be at least $ after deducting the fees you have authorized. Additionally, your credit bureau information and tax return will be assessed to determine your likelihood of being funded by the IRS. Your Easy Advance application may be denied if you have unpaid child support or unpaid taxes, student loans, or any other federal debt.
If approved, Easy Advance loan amount repayment and financial tax is due upon receipt of the 2021 tax refund from the Internal Revenue Service and/or State Taxation Authority, which will reduce the amount of refund received from the IRS and/or the state. The rest of the refund will be paid in the same way as you selected in the form and the banking product contract.
You may terminate Easy Advance within seven (7) days of receiving Easy Advance earnings.
If declined, you will not be charged the Easy Advance Cash fee, and your refund will continue to be transferred and will be paid to you in the same manner as you selected in the banking agreement and the form. If you were declined and requested an easy refund and early transfer, you would still receive and be charged for the refund transfer.
The IRS and/or state tax authorities do not guarantee the amount or timing of refund payment.
Small down payments may cost more than other sources of credit. Before applying for Easy Advance, you should consider whether Easy Advance is compatible with your personal needs and financial situation.
Payment information:
If you choose Easy Advance without refund transfer, the delivery options available to receive Easy Advance earnings and refund your fees are direct deposit or prepaid card.
If you choose Refund Transfer in addition to Easy Advance, your payment options are Bank Check, Direct deposit, or prepaid card. You will receive Easy Advance and Refund Transfer receipts with the same delivery method.
If you decide to go with a prepaid card and are approved for Easy Advance, a monthly fee of $5 will be charged within 30 days of receiving Easy Advance features, and the first cash withdrawal fee will be waived.
Important Information for Joint Filers:
All Easy Advance applications are individual, so only one contributor can apply.
You decide who requests Easy Advance.
Only the name of the applicant will appear on the Easy Advance order.
Taxes Made EZ Inc