When you are a massage therapist, you are assisting others to reduce their stress levels. However, your own stress levels may go up when it comes to dealing with your taxes and the...
Tax time is often stressful for a number of reasons. Taxes are, of course, themselves a bit of a headache with rules, regulations and conditions that change from one year to the next....
When it comes to running your own business, the record keeping can be intensive, but those same records can also assist you in qualifying for a myriad of deductions. This is particularly...
Most taxpayers would consider a vehicle or car a necessary part of everyday life, including the expenses that go along with it. As such, it might be worth tracking your vehicle expenses,...
For small business owners, the use of their vehicles can be an important part of their business growth. Meetings with clients, vendors and perspective investors are just some of the...
Starting a new business can be an exciting venture and the beginning of a new career. But in order to make a successful start, you need to be sure to set up your tax information properly...
As the owner of a small business, you understand the need to be financially organized. This means managing your books well, including tracking your collections, debts and any investments....
Posted by BHATIA & CO, INC, CPAs on 01/30/2016
For many individuals, tax time can be frustrating. Changes to the tax code can often mean that last year’s deductions might not apply anymore or you no longer qualify. Working with...
Posted by AccuraTax LLC on 01/28/2016
Entrepreneurship is the business of setting up a business, or in simpler terms, business squared. I personally like the term because it has mixed connotations of reward, complexity...