Every person has their own financial plans. There are also mistakes that are common. If you are a retiree and unsure if you have a common mistake, read on to know how you can avoid...
Posted by LLOYD J CAZES CPA on 12/28/2019
As a homeowner, it's imperative to know and understand the taxes you can deduct from your taxes because they will help you reduce your taxable income and reduce your tax burden....
Posted by Flynn Financial Group Inc on 10/29/2019
Rather than handing over their hard-earned cash to the government, American wage earners are given a chance to pocket more income through itemizes tax deductions. Deductions have long...
By providing a better user experience and control over various aspects of money management, financial technology (Fintech) applications are an effective and convenient way to take...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 08/02/2019
Over the last 70 years, child support payments have been deductible by the payer and taxed as income for the recipient (note that significant rule changes occurred in 1984). The previous...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 08/02/2019
You may hear people being monotonous about how they are spending almost nothing so that they can retire at a young age, most likely 30. They are bragging how thrifty they were so they...
Posted by Accounting Advantage, Pa on 05/20/2019
Owning a business is not just about making profits but saving money as well. One common way to save money is by taking advantage of small business tax deductions. It's typical...
Posted by Advantage Tax Services, Inc. on 04/09/2019
Every year, millions of homeowners pay more taxes on their rent than they have to pay. Why? It is because they do not take advantage of all the tax deductions available for homeowners...
Posted by rinehimerbaker on 04/09/2019
In the middle of April, every year, the federal tax return filing season ends. For many American taxpayers, that would mean what seems to be endless forms, pay stubs and a lot of paper...
Posted by Flynn Financial Group Inc on 04/03/2019