Have you considered making extra income from your vacation home? If so, it can be as simple as signing up on a variety of travel websites and listing your dates of availability. However,...
A financial advisor is a professional with the acumen for developing, implementing, and maintaining finances. These professionals are best in making decisions concerning money, such...
Posted by CORE PERFORMANCE on 06/10/2022
You may be subject to capital gains tax when you gain from the sale of an asset, such as a business, land, or shares. Capital gains are sometimes taxed at the same rate as ordinary...
Posted by CORE PERFORMANCE on 02/28/2022
Are you selling an asset? Avoiding Real Estate Capital Gains Tax in 2022It's great to get a good price for your home, but in some cases, the IRS may want some of the action. Indeed,...
Posted by CORE PERFORMANCE on 02/08/2022
A zero-coupon bond is a type of bond that earns no interest during its lifetime. A zero-coupon bond is issued with a sudden reduction in par value or face value, which is the amount...
Posted by Carmen Garcia on 06/25/2021
Individuals can exclude up to $250,000 of income from capital gains tax on the sale of their primary residence, thanks to the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) exclusion of home sales. Married...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 06/11/2021
Does the IRS take a large chunk of your cryptocurrency income? Maybe you traded one cryptocurrency for another at the right time and withdrew a lot of it in dollars, and now you have...
Posted by CORE PERFORMANCE on 05/29/2021
According to the IRS, tax rates will depend on the taxpayer's source of income. Your income from the sale of stocks, for example, will generally be taxed at a lower rate than your...
Billions of dollars in property taxes go unpaid every year, a major problem for local municipalities that depend on this money to fund public services. Instead of waiting months or...