When managing finances, individuals and businesses often encounter situations where they lend money to others and, unfortunately, face the risk of non-payment. Such instances of bad...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 08/17/2023
Most tax practitioners are familiar with reasonable cause as the basis for penalty abatement. But many often overlook another important reason for penalty abatement: the so-called...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 05/27/2022
Made a mistake on your tax return or realize you lost a valuable deduction or tax credit? You can file an amended tax return to correct it. Filing an amended tax return with the IRS...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 04/30/2022
Joint filing has its benefits, and that is why most couples opt for it. But, just as there are benefits to filing jointly, it also comes with its downsides. This often takes the form...
Posted by Rosovich & Associates, Inc. on 12/18/2021
After Hurricane Katrina, it became quite common for Congress to enact tax legislation that provides tax relief for victims of natural disasters. The Internal Revenue Code's (IRC)...
Posted by Jim McClaflin, EA, NTPI Fellow, CTRC on 05/19/2021
It is no longer possible for the 2018-2025 fiscal years to claim accidental loss and personal property theft as itemized deductions unless your claim is declared as a federally declared...
Many older children these days now look after and take care of their aged parents. Unknown to many; however, Uncle Sam can reward you in the form of tax credit for such care to reduce...
Posted by Elliot Kravitz, ATP on 06/24/2021
An IRS relief procedure for certain former citizens was introduced in September 2019 to allow certain Americans to renounce their U.S. citizenship without paying taxes and fines.The...
The filing status of a taxpayer depends on individual circumstances. Are you married or single? Do you have dependents? Identifying the correct filing condition is essential, as it...