An easy advance is a loan and not a tax refund. An easy advance is a one-time loan not intended for long-term use. Your Easy Advance is subject to signature and approval by the bank....
Posted by Taxes Made EZ Inc on 03/17/2022
Anyone with a pressing need to cover expenses or meet some financial obligations can apply for tax refund loans. It can give immediate relief with funds pending the time one will get...
A refund offset is a process in which the taxpayer will not get the full refund; instead, the excess federal income tax will be used to service unpaid government debt. Many people...
Proposals to introduce a wealth tax into the US Internal Revenue Code have been emphasized by some Democratic candidates such as Bernie Sanders, Tom Steyer, and Elizabeth Warren especially...
Posted by Debi G Hill, CPA on 12/28/2019
You’re probably one of the many American taxpayers who are wondering whether or not they benefited from the Trump tax cut. Majority of people don’t think they did. Those...
Posted by Debi G Hill, CPA on 05/20/2019
What Is Easy Advance?Easy Advance is a one-time loan that is not designed for long-term use. Your Easy Advance is subject to the signature and approval of the Republic Bank & Trust...
Posted by Freedom Tax Center on 03/08/2019
Time Running Out to Claim $1 Billion in Tax Refunds from 2013Taxpayers who did not file a tax return for 2013 may be one of the nearly 1 million who may be due a refund from that year....
Posted by Emelia Mensa CPA on 03/03/2017
If you owe the Internal Revenue Service a large amount of money from previous tax years, and have not answered correspondence or started a payment plan, you may end up with a lien...